Do you offer 0% VAT intra community delivery of goods?
Yes. Our company is registered VAT payee so you can use our automated VAT service during checkout. Please type in your VAT number with country prefix and benefit from 0% VAT purchase. Please mind that your VAT number is validated with VIES services and depends of availability of VIES service.
How long does it take to shipp you order?
We try hard to shipp your order the fastest we can. You will find shipping time information on every product page. You will aslo be informed about every order status change with an e-mail. You can find below shipping methods along with delivery time and costs. Let us remind you that if you choose to pay with bank transfer shipping may take longer due to bank transfer processing.
How long does it take to deliver your order?
Orders shipped with GLS are delivered in majority in 48-72H. If you choose delivery with your local shipping company please mind that we use a logistics HUB to pass your parcel to chosen forwarder it usually takes 1 business day more. In general delivery should not take more than 72-96 hours.
What type of delivery do you offer?
For majority of countries we offer:
- home delivery service,
- parcel locker delivery,
- pickup points delivery.
What are the total costs of shipping your item?
You shipping costs are displayed in order summary in shopping cart. You can check and decide the type of shipment most convinient for you. We suggest to choose parcel locker or pickup points as it provides the highest chance for successfull delivery. For most of delivery methods shipping costs do not exceed 10 euro.
What is the free delivery treeshold?
We offer free delivery for orders exceeding 150 euro for European Union shipments. A free delivery applies to orders exceeding gross 150 euro without shipping costs or orders exceeding 150 euro nett when you choose a 0% VAT intra community delivery of goods.