Your payment is secured!
We know how important is to feel safe during online shopping. That's why we only use safe and trusted service providers. Our long term cooperation with Paypal and Stripe allowed us to process thousands of payments without issues.
Please mind that for your security our shop is certified Trusted Shops GMBH and your order, payment and return secured with Trused Shops - in simple words the will refund your purchase up to 1000 euro in case of any problems.
Pay for your order with your favourite payment method
BalticWorkwear offer really wide range of payment methods including Cash on delivery. Please mind that cash on delivery payment is only available in your country currency. This is how you can pay for your order:
- fast and seure payment with Paypal
- fast and secure payment with Stripe - a global payment gateway.
- bank transfer / wire payment.
- cash on delivery in your local currency (currently available for EURO, CZK, RON).
- credit card payment with secure Stripe or Paypal services.
For your order you can pay with bank transfer using following bank accounts:
Sparkasse Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien
IBAN: DE32 8505 0100 0232 0630 10
Alior Bank S.A.
IBAN: PL87 2490 0005 0000 4600 6388 0247