When you buy from Balticbhp you get excellent premium products and our support and service. Additionally, you can earn points and earn money! Help us build our community, create valuable content and earn Baltic Club points.
How to earn points? It's simple:
- for every purchase of products at Balticbhp you will receive the number of Baltic Club points specified in the product description (the number of points is 3% of the order value, e.g. when ordering a product for PLN 500 you will receive 150 points worth PLN 15)
- write a product review and send it to us, and we will add 200 points to your account, which you can exchange for a coupon worth PLN 20
- record a video of you unpacking your package from Balticbhp, upload it to YouTube, tagging our channel - balticbhp, and you will receive 200 points
- upload the content to Instagram and tag it with a hashtag #unboxingbalticbhp and you will receive 200 points
- publish a post on Facebook and tag our profile @balticbhp.pl and you will receive 200 points
- record a video review in which you talk about products purchased at Balticbhp.pl and you will receive 250 points
- take part in the Baltic Club affiliate program, actively recommend us to your friends and earn points for your friend's activity in our store