Unfortunately, the necessity to act in noise concerns an increasing number of jobs. This is very harmful to your hearing. In extreme cases, it can even lead to permanent damage. Therefore, as long as it is not too late, it is worth taking care of proper hearing protection. Earplugs and hearing protectors, i.e. earmuffs, will be helpful in this.

What are the factors in the work environment?

These are physical and chemical factors. One of the harmful physical factors is noise. What is noise? In most general terms, these are all unwanted, disturbing or harmful sounds that affect your hearing. Excessive noise is harmful to the entire body. It can lead not only to damage to the hearing organ, but also to such ailments as: headache, neurosis, hyperactivity, prolonged reaction time to stimuli, arterial hypertension and eye diseases. Polish law says that it is the employer's duty to protect employees against threats. Therefore, your employer must provide you with appropriate hearing protection. Earmuffs and earplugs are the most common. The higher the noise level, the more harmful it is to your health. For example, noise below 35 dB is not harmful to your hearing. However, it can be irritating and simply disturbing your work. On the other hand, noise levels from 35 to 75 dB already adversely affect your mental well-being and can increase fatigue. The noise level above 130 dB is really dangerous for your health. Being in such noise on a daily basis without any protection leads to organ damage, problems with the labyrinth and nausea. Therefore, if you work in noise, be sure to ask your employer to provide you with soundproofing earmuffs and professional earplugs. If he hasn't already done so.

Choose ear muffs and forget about noise

Protective ear muffs can be divided into attached to the protective helmet and on the headband. For example, we can offer you the 3M Peltor Optime II H520A ear-muffs. They will effectively protect you against noise at a very high level. Their degree of attenuation is as high as SNR 31 dB in the working environment. The advantage of this particular product is that it also suppresses very low intensity sounds. These protective earpieces are extremely comfortable to wear because their rings are filled with foam and a special fluid. Thanks to this, they are soft and at the same time perfectly protect against various types of noise. The spider itself, on the other hand, was made of a steel compression spring. This makes it easy to adjust the size of the ear muffs without fear of breaking or deforming them. Moreover, they have removable cushions and inserts. This makes it easy to keep them clean and use them for many years.

How many decibels are there a risk? When to use stoppers?

Ear plugs are very much associated with those bought in a pharmacy. Such earplugs are most often worn at night to help you fall asleep faster. However, this isn't the only option you can use. In our Baltic BHP online store, we have a wide selection of single-use earplugs. We sell them in large packages, because due to hygiene reasons, you can use them only once. The advantages of professional earplugs include the fact that they are safe to use. They have been profiled in such a way that each employee can quickly apply them if necessary. Earplugs do not provide as good protection as earmuffs. For work in a noisy environment, better choose the latter.

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