List of products by brand Solid Gear
Solid Gear
Buty robocze Solid Gear Haze 2 Low S1P BOA
Solid Gear
Buty robocze wysokie Solid Gear Adapt Mid S3L
Solid Gear
Półbuty robocze Solid Gear Cloud 2.0 S1 SRC ESD
Solid Gear
Półbuty robocze Solid Gear Dynamo SRC O1
Solid Gear
Półbuty robocze Solid Gear Revolution S3 SRC
Solid Gear
Półbuty robocze Solid Gear Shale S3 SRC HRO
Solid Gear
Safety sandal Solid Gear Atlantic S1P SRC HRO
Solid Gear
Safety Sandals Solid Gear Dune S1P SRC HRO ESD
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Adapt Low S3 safety shoes
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Adapt Mid S3 safety boots
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Atlas S3 SRC safety shoes
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Bound GTX O6 shoes
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Bravo 2 safety boots Gore-Tex
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Bund Low O1 work shoes
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Cloud S1 safety shoes
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Dynamo GTX O2 safety shoes
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Enforcer GTX S3 SRC WR HRO
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Essence Low S3 safety shoes
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Essence Mid S3 safety boots
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Falcon S3 safety boots
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Griffin SG73001 safety shoes
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Haze 2 Air Low S1P BOA safety shoes
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Haze Moon S1P SRC safety shoes
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Haze Saturn S1P SRC safety shoes
Solid Gear
Solid Gear Hydra GTX S3 safety shoes
If you are only interested in the best work shoes, you surely know the brandSolid Gear. It's owned by the companyHultafors(yes, the same one with work clothes in her portfolioSnickersWorkwear!) a brand offering top-shelf work shoes. In their assortment you will find not only work shoes, but also everything related to them. You do not know which insoles to choose for work shoes? Do you need solid laces? You will find all this in the offer of this manufacturer.
What insoles to use for shoesSolid Gear?
When you buy new work shoes or light shoes, you can enjoy their freshness and comfort for a long time. Inside, breathable work shoes usually have a breathable lining that allows for better air circulation. Always safety shoes are also equipped with an insole. Opinions are divided - gel insoles for shoes have many supporters, but often ordinary cushioning foam insoles are enough to refresh your shoesEVA. If you're wondering where to buy shoe insoles, look no further. The brand's offerSolid Gearyou will find shock-absorbing and moisture-absorbing insoles. These types of antiperspirant insoles come in handy when you use your shoes daily for many hours and they smell bad. Replacing the insoles is the first step to refurbishing your shoes.
Breathable anti-perspirant socks
It is impossible to talk about comfort for your feet if you do not have breathable socks. Men's socks are made of various materials, e.g. trekking socks are often made of modern fibers that quickly wick away moisture and sweat. In winter, wool socks are great because they are warm, but have antibacterial properties and allow the skin to breathe. Models fromSolid Gearthey will work well with work shoes, as running socks, sports socks and even winter socks.Producent offers short and long socks, made, among others made of merino wool, but also advanced materials, such as Coolmax. Thanks to modern production technology, these seamless socks provide exceptional comfort and ventilation.
How to put laces in your shoesSolid Gear?
Thanks to the systemBOAmany usersSolid Gearyou almost forgot how to tie your laces! In numerous models of work shoesSolid Geara quick binding system was used - a steel cord and an easy-to-use knob make putting on and taking off the shoes as comfortable as never before.BOAit is like laces without tying, and can be easily replaced if damaged. However, if you prefer classically laced safety shoes, visit a Polish shoe storeSolid Gearyou will find models for yourself!
What work shoes will you buy atSolid Gear?
All fans of professional clothing and work shoes have been waiting for this. Men's safety shoesSolid Gearavailable in the Polish storeBalticHealth and safety immediately! The manufacturer's offer includes work shoes such as sneakers, sports shoes resembling trekking shoes, but also solid winter work shoes. They are not cheap work shoes, but their durability and workmanship make them second to none.ProproductsSolid GearS3 with diaphragmGore-Tex, lightweight S1P shoes with a toe cap, which will replace uncomfortable shoes with a sheet - you can buy it all with 24-hour delivery. Even if you have high expectations, footwearSolid Gearit is the top shelf. Non-slip work shoes with SRC and HRO soles are standard in this brand. It is not surprising that the shoesSolid Gearhave excellent feedback. AmbassadorsSolid GearPoland tests them in the most difficult conditions, thanks to which we are 100% sure that these shoes will save every day in your work.
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